You Searched For : #40003-IN #40013-IN #40006-IN #40012-IN
Quick Assessment for Aphasia - RECORD FORMS
(#40012-IN)Package of record forms for use with the Quick Assessment of Aphasia.
Quick Assessment for Apraxia of Speech - COMPLETE KIT
(#40006-IN)Dennis Tanner and William Culbertson
Ages: Adolescents and Adults. This instrument takes 10 minutes to administer and includes tasks that provide clinically relevant information about oral and verbal apraxia.
Quick Assessment for Dysarthria - COMPLETE KIT
(#40003-IN)Dennis Tanner and William Culbertson
Ages: Adolescents and Adults. This instrument includes diagnostic questions and checklists for assessing respiration, phonation, articulation, resonance, and prosody.