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About ACA

Academic Communication Associates, Inc. is the publisher of hundreds of books and instructional resources for individuals with special learning needs. Academic Communication Associates has been publishing innovative resources for over three decades and now has one of the nation's largest product lines of practical speech and language materials. Our publications are used throughout the world to help children and adults with communication disorders, reading problems, and other special needs.
Prior to starting Academic Communication Associates, Dr. Larry Mattes, President of the company, provided services for clients with communication disorders and special needs in school settings. He has authored a variety of speech-language materials, including products designed specifically for multicultural student populations with language and learning difficulties.
Our online catalog now includes instructional materials, books, and resources for articulation and phonology, aphasia, pervasive developmental disorders, attention deficits, sign language, augmentative and alternative communication, hearing impairment, learning disabilities, language disorders, fluency disorders (stuttering), bilingual/ESL instruction, and MORE. Our products can be used to help children and adults with a variety of special learning needs so that they can function effectively in school and in social contexts.

Becoming a Published Author

We are proud to have nationally-known authors such as Li-Rong Lilly Cheng, Wayne Second, Henriette Langdon, Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, and Patty Schuchardt working with us in product development. We are always looking for new authors with innovative product ideas! If you are creating learning materials for individuals with special needs, please contact us. Many of our authors are available to provide workshops relating to their publications.

USA Manufacturing Policy

We work with authors and editorial consultants throughout the world. All of our proprietary publications, however, and printed and manufactured in the United States of America. ACA has never sent any product outside of the USA for manufacturing.
Speech and Language Therapy - Augmentative Communication - Occupational Therapy - Bilingual/ESL- Remedial Reading - Learning Disabilities

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