Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP-2)- COMPLETE KIT (#28930-IN)
Ages 5-0 through 24-11. This norm-referenced instrument can be used to assess phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming skills. The subtests measure Sound Matching, Blending Words, Elision, Memory for Digits, Nonword Repetition, Rapid Color Naming, Rapid Letter Naming,, Rapid Object Naming, Blending Nonwords, Phoneme Reversal, Segmenting Words, and Segmenting Nonwords. Scores are used to obtain a Phonological Awareness Quotient, Phonological Memory Quotient, and Rapid Naming quotient. The test was normed on over 1,600 individuals and takes about 30 minutes to administer. Percentile rankings, standard scores, grade equivalents and age equivalents are provided.
The CTOPP was developed to aid in the identification of individuals from kindergarten through college who may profit from instructional activities to enhance their phonological skills. Because the test battery spans such a wide range of ages, and the abilities it taps are so varied across the ages, it was necessary to develop two versions of the test. The first version, developed for individuals ages 5 and 6 (primarily kindergartners and first graders), contains seven core subtests and one supplemental test. The second version, for individuals ages 7 through 24 (persons in second grade through college), contains six core subtests and eight supplemental tests. In both versions the supplemental tests are provided to allow the examiner to more carefully assess specific phonological strengths and weaknesses. Both versions are individually administered.
The CTOPP can be used for these purposes: (a) to identify individuals who are significantly below their peers in important phonological abilities, (b) to determine strengths and weaknesses among developed phonological processes, (c) to document progress in phonological processing as a consequence of special intervention programs, and (d) to serve as a measurement device in research studies investigating phonological processing.