Communication Board Software for Individuals
with Autism or Augmentative Communication Needs
Communication Board Software programs have been used widely with special needs individuals. Although these programs are quite valuable, they are often priced over $300, making them unaffortable for many potential users. They also may require a considerable amount of computer expertise for effective use.
Recently some less expensive and easier-to-use programs have become available that can be used to teach language skills or to develop communication boards for individuals with autism and augmentative communication needs. Flash Pro TeachingPix2 Software is one such program. The program includes 10,000 photographs and runs directly from the CD. Therefore, installation is NOT required. The software was developed by the parent of a child with autism and is now being used throughout the world with special needs individuals. Pictures showing actions, food, clothing, household items, people, spatial concepts, and other essential items are included. Parents with limited computer experience can learn to use this product in a matter of minutes.Information about this product and other vocabulary resources is available at the link below: