Academic Communication Associates

BILINGUAL / MULTICULTURAL 75 TOLL-FREE Telephone Orders: (888) 758-9558 The sixth edition includes over 400 pages of valuable information about cultural groups, their customs, and the variables that are important to consider in assessment and program planning for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Chapters focusing on intervention have been expanded to include a wide range of topics related to the development of language and literacy skills that are critical for success within the classroom. Information on second language learning and bilingualism has been updated to reflect the latest research developments. Research findings relevant to the effect of poverty and trauma on school performance has been added. This comprehensive resource is packed with information that speech-language pathologists and other special education specialists need to know: • Using culturally and linguistically appropriate assessment and intervention strategies • Learning about different cultures, their values, child-rearing practices, social interaction patterns, and pragmatic uses of language • Distinguishing language difference from disorder • Structuring a culturally and linguistically appropriate learning environment for students • Implementing Response-to-Intervention (RtI) strategies to assess language-learning behavior in instructional settings • Serving preschoolers, internationally-adopted children, children with autism, and other groups Professionals who provide services for African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Russian immigrants, internationally adopted children, and other student populations will find this comprehensive volume to be of enormous value. The easy-to-read case studies are designed to help professionals deal with the complex problems commonly encountered when these students are referred for testing. Study questions are included at the end of each chapter. Multicultural Students with Special Language Needs - Sixth Edition Practical Strategies for Assessment and Intervention Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin The book also includes reproducible assessment tools, practical suggestions for using recent technological innovations in intervention, and MORE! This resource has become one of the most widely used textbooks in courses related to language disorders in multicultural populations. Author Workshops are Available! #46041-C23 Multicultural Students with Special Language Needs $80.00 82 Table 4.3 Examples of Acceptable Utterances by Speakers of African American English Mainstream American English African American English That boy looks like me. That boy, he look like me. If he kicks it, he'll be in trouble. If he kick it, he be in trouble. When the lights are off, it's dark. When the lights be off, it dark. It could be somebody's pet. It could be somebody pet. Her feet are too big. Her feet is too big. I'll get something to eat. I will get me something to eat. She is dancing and the music's on. She be dancin' an' the music on. What kind of cheese do you want? What kind of cheese you want? My brother's name is Joe. My brother name is Joe. I raked the leaves outside. I rakted the leaves outside. After the recital, they shook my hand. After the recital, they shaketed my hand. They are standing around. They is just standing around. He is a basketball star. He a basketball star. They are in cages. They be in cages. It's not like a tree or anything. It not like a tree or nothin'. He does like to fish. He do like to fish. They are going to swim. They gonna swim. Mom already repaired the car. Mom done repair the car. MULTICULTURAL STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL LANGUAGE NEEDS 107 Table 5.1 Language Differences Commonly Observed Among Spanish Speakers Language Characteristics Sample English Utterances 1. Adjective comes after noun. The house green is big. 2. ‘s is often omitted in plurals, possessives, We have five plate here. and regular third person present tense. The girl book is brown. a e T ir The baby cry. 3. Past tense -ed is often omitted. We walk yesterday. 4. Double negatives are used. I don’t have no more. 5. Negative imperatives may be used; No touch the hot stove. no is used instead of don’t. 6. “No” may be used before a verb to signify The kid no cross the street. negation. 7. Superiority is demonstrated by using more This cake is more big. before an adjective in a similar manner to the use of mas in Spanish. 8. The adverb often follows the verb. He drives very fast his motorcycle. 9. Postnoun modifiers are used. This is the book of my sister. 10. Articles may be used with body parts. I bruised the knee. 11. “Have” may be used in place of the copula I have 12 years. (Instead of I am 12 when talking about age. years old.) 12. Articles are often omitted. Papa is going to store. 13. When the subject has been identified in the Mama is sad. Lost her purse. previous sentence, it may be omitted in the next sentence. 14. There may not be noun-verb inversion in What this is? (instead of “What is this?”) questions. FAMILIES FROM HISPANIC BACKGROUNDS This four-page handout includes guidelines for distinguishing normal communicative differences from behaviors that may be indicative of a disorder. These guidelines can serve as a basis for teacher in-service programs. Thirty copies of the handout are included. #4035-C23 Bilingual Children with Communicative Disorders $17.00 Bilingual Children with Communicative Disorders Referral Guidelines Dr. Roseberry-McKibbin is a Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at California State University, Sacramento, author of numerous textbooks, and is known nationally for her informative workshops. Visit multicultural.asp for information. 2022 edition tt Sixth Edition