Academic Communication Associates

LANGUAGE / SPECIFIC SYNDROMES 55 TOLL-FREE Telephone Orders: (888) 758-9558 Sourcebook of Apraxia Remediation Activities Kenneth G. Shipley, David B. Recor, and Sharon M. Nakamura Ages 6 and Up This practical, coil-bound book includes information about apraxia, guidelines for developing remedial programs, and a comprehensive collection of easy-touse materials. In addition to lists of words and phrases organized by motoric complexity, you’ll find reproducible lists of common expressions, phrases associated with specific situations, words associated with specific hobbies, and more. #4947-C23 Sourcebook of Apraxia Remediation Activities $38.00 A comprehensive apraxia resource for children and adults! Expressive Language Rehabilitation Resource Topic-Centered Activities for Adolescents and Adults Ages: Adolescents and Adults The second edition of this book includes topic-centered activities that provide practice in the use of language as clients describe situations, solve problems, and use words in a variety of ways. The activities are especially valuable with individuals who have word retrieval problems. Shopping, sports, grooming, current events, medical care, occupations, and other topics are emphasized! Expressive Language Rehabilitation Resource #4974-C23 Printed Book $39.00 #4974CD-C23 Complete Book on CD $39.00 #4974BCD-C23 Book and CD $54.00 Second Edition Word Retrieval Exercises for Adolescents and Adults Ages 13 through Adult This book can be used to strengthen word-retrieval skills in clients with language impairments resulting from brain injury. Clients are asked to define words, state opposites, name words with specific characteristics, complete sentences, and describe events in detail. The activities require precise responses and careful word selection. The individual items are presented in large print on reproducible pages. Items related to food, weather, recreation, health, family, and other topics are included. Word Retrieval Exercises #49731-C23 Printed Book $39.00 #49731CD-C23 Complete Book on CD $39.00 #49731BCD-C23 Book and CD $54.00 An excellent resource with practical topic-centered activities