Academic Communication Associates

Question Quest Amy J. Strommer Ages 5 through 10 LANGUAGE AND AUDITORY PROCESSING TOLL-FREE Telephone Orders: (888) 758-9558 37 Curriculum for Oral Language Development Materials for Assessing and Teaching Basic Listening, Speaking, and Reasoning Skills Second Edition Larry J. Mattes Ages 5 through 11 This book includes criterion-referenced assessment measures and instructional activities for teaching listening skills, thinking strategies, vocabulary, grammar, and basic pragmatic communication skills. Answering questions, classifying nouns, describing experiences in sequence, taking turns during conversation, solving problems using language, expressing viewpoints, and predicting conclusions are among the skills targeted. The optional Student Progress Profile Cards make it easy to maintain an ongoing record of student performance from year to year. Curriculum for Oral Language Development #4538-C23 Printed Book $37.00 #4538CD-C23 Book on CD $37.00 #4537-C23 Printed Book and Profile Cards $45.00 #4539-C23 Progress Profile Cards (30) $15.00 Teach students to ask and answer who, what, when, where, and why questions as they ride the roller coaster of questions in this exciting language game. Question cards are grouped into categories: home questions, school questions, amusement park questions, and mystery questions. Students also practice asking and answering questions after listening to short stories. #4971-C23 Question Quest $39.00 A game for improving children’s use of question forms Perfect for No Child Left Behind and Response-to-Intervention Programs Save $12.00 Problem-Solving with Harmon Hippo Ages 4 through 9 The picture cards, audio and activities in this kit can be used to improve oral communication and problem-solving skills as children 4 to 9 years of age solve the problems encountered by Harmon Hippo and his friends. The student’s task is to describe the problems encountered by Harmon, to comment on his solutions, and to offer other possible solutions. #4330-C23 Problem-Solving with Harmon Hippo $22.00